If you’re building an online business, here's how to:
Free Yourself From the Clutches of Social Media
Make more money, build better relationships, and become a trusted authority with my Magnetic Email System... even if you've never written a word of email copy before
Dear friend,If you want to make more sales through simple, story-driven emails...And you want deeper relationships with your readers...But you’re not an experienced email writer or natural storyteller…Then you’re in the right place.Because in the past 3 years, I’ve grossed $978,747 selling products and services to my audience.90% of the revenue has come from emails that were a pleasure to write and hopefully a pleasure to read.Today, I’d like to help you get the same sort of results.I've put together a simple 6-step system to help you write engaging, business-building emails fast.After several months of working with first-round customers, you can now join 270+ entrepreneurs using the system to grow their business more effectively.Before I dive into the details, let me introduce myself.

"In the last 14 months, I made $160,345."
“Kieran is incredible at teaching emails. In the last 14 months, I made $160,345 and grew to 8,103 subscribers. His advice even landed me a rare mentorship.”— Parker Worth, Founder of StorySystem

“I ended up with 3,800 people on my waitlist.”
“After implementing Kieran's ideas for my pre-launch, I ended up with 3,800 people on my waitlist. And I hate ‘sales’ emails. But Kieran’s great at showing you how to shine your offers in the right light.”— Nathan Baugh, Founder of Worldbuilders

“I had 30 new email ideas in under an hour.”
“I was struggling to write emails for my product launch. I knew what I needed to sell but didn't know how to say it. Kieran sent me his templates and a 3 minute voice note explaining his email structure. I had 30 new email ideas in under an hour. No one explains how to write better."— Jasper Polak, Founder of Speedrun
👋 Hey there, I’m Kieran Drew
You likely know me from my social media and emails.I’m a dentist-turned-writer.I love my business. I'm grateful to spend my days writing to my audience and building things to help them win.But 3 years ago, I was struggling to get any momentum.I’d just quit my job to become an entrepreneur.

I handed in my notice September 2nd, 2021. The dive into entrepreneurship was terrifying!
I’d made no money yet, but I was quietly confident.After all, the internet seemed packed with 18-year-old millionaires—I just wanted to cover my costs as a freelance writer so I could work wherever I wanted.

A picture from my final day at the office. Little did I know how the next 6 months would go.
But my dream of digital freedom soon melted into desperation.Why?I couldn’t find clients!I was riddled with self-doubt. I hid behind ‘growing an audience’ and ‘building connections’.But in reality, I didn’t believe people would pay me.Three agonising months dragged by.As time ticked and savings dwindled, panic crept in.If I didn’t make money soon I’d be crawling back to my boss, begging for my job back with tail tucked between my legs.So New Year 2021, I made a firework decision.
If I couldn’t find clients, I’d become my own
I only had a small audience.But I knew people were struggling with problems I’d solved.So I hammered together my first digital product, whipped up my first landing page, and, on March 30th, sent my first-ever sales email.After 20 painful minutes, all I thought was, ‘You idiot—why would anyone buy from you.”I was picturing myself back in dental uniform when suddenly:Ding!

They say your first sale is the sweetest. Mine was a ridiculous relief.
After several seconds of stunned silence, I leapt out my chair and sprinted up and down the flat, shouting at the top of my lungs.I ran back to my laptop to check for a cruel trick of imagination.But there it was, staring at me.$200.My first taste of internet money (someone bought my product and a coaching call—fantastic for my confidence).That launch, I made $4655.70.

This is still my proudest result from the past 3 years.
It was enough to keep the dream alive.But more importantly, it was the spark that ignited my online career.Why?
Because I stumbled across the power of email
See, I always believed social media was the secret to a great online business.But despite having a tiny list that launch, most my sales came through email.Although I was so busy ‘building an audience’, I didn’t notice straight away…But as I created more content, the cracks began to show.Because I don’t know about you, but I became an entrepreneur for freedom.I want to spend my days doing what I love because I choose to.
But social media is a prison in disguise
You have to post every damn day and slave away in the comments. And if you stop, you fade into obscurity within weeks.You’ve basically made an algorithm your boss.And the crazy part?You don’t even own your audience. You rent it. And they can rip away the keys whenever they’d like.Now, don’t get me wrong.Social media is important. It's a tool for discovery.But that's all it is—a tool.If you want to stop relying on social media for your business, you need an engaged email list.Because on the timeline, you’re just another voice in the sea of noise—a tough place for a personal brand.But the inbox is more personal, which leads to stronger relationships—the backbone of your business.And it’s more reliable, too.You’re lucky if 3% of your audience sees your social media posts.Compare that to 40%+ email open rates (that’s why having a small list is fine—don’t underestimate the power of having a list of raving readers!).

I have 213,200 followers and 6,700 saw this post (3%). I reach a minimum of 16,000 people with my newsletter. Some of those emails have 3,000 clicks—that’s why it can be so profitable.
I realised I was climbing the wrong mountain.
So I began focusing on story-driven emails instead
At the time, I was writing a generic ‘value’ newsletter. Sharing tips, steps, and blueprints like everyone else.But storytelling creates the strongest connection.So I stopped lecturing my list…And started sending emails like having a conversation with a close friend.Guess what?
People began to pay attention

And I started selling more, too....Much more.In September 2022, I launched my first high ticket offer.I sold six coaching slots with just 3 emails.Zero sales calls. Just emails and a Google Doc sheet. I even had to turn people away!

This was my first $20k month. Things were heating up…
But I was ‘shooting blind’.Some emails would pull in tonnes of sales. Others would completely flop.It felt a bit like black magic.But I’m a firm believer success leaves clues…
So I began experimenting
I wanted to build a system that guaranteed every email would lead to better relationships and more revenue.I began testing inputs.The angles, stories, hooks, points, pitches, subject lines, and P.S.I tracked what worked and what didn’t…And pieced together a checklist to make sure I was doing the right things—things many people overlook.Stuff like how to establish empathy in every email…And how to build trust before you pitch…And how to paint pictures with your words so people pay attention to your ideas instead of gloss over them.And how to sell without ruining your reputation.This is where things got crazy.
In March 2023, I launched my next product
It was 14 months since my last product launch.My audience was 10x larger, so I hoped for 10x the result—$45,000 is nothing to sneeze at!But instead?My business doubled almost overnight!

I made $140,920 in 4 days. I couldn't believe it.
It was wild.But it felt like a massive fluke.So I got back to work.Three months later, I relaunched. I expected a few more sales from those who missed out in March.Instead, I sold even more!$177,448.It was nuts.And in March 2024, I even had another surprise 6 figure month.Why surprise?Because I refilmed my course gave it to my current customers for free. I didn’t expect new buyers. But they came flooding in.

Those 4 months changed my business. But magnetic emails aren't just effective for launches.
A normal month now is around $20,000, which is crazy because I only have 2 meetings and rarely sell high-ticket.Nor do I send daily emails.I have an automated welcome sequence and my newsletter. My business is growing steadily and stress-free.…Not bad for a rookie entrepreneur in a new niche, right?Of course, I can’t say I’m not an ‘authority’ anymore.It’s been a rollercoaster few years.But that’s my point.
You don’t write emails because you’re an authority.
You write them to become one.
Story-driven emails are a magnet.They’re the fastest way to attract great customers for your business.And they are the most powerful way to set yourself apart from the crowd.Because the Internet is drowning in commodity content.Magnetic emails proves you’re worth paying attention to. Worth investing in.And because storytelling builds a deep connection…And creates genuine emotion…You make much more money too—without needing to be pushy. And without relying on social media to sell.Because people buy from you when they trust you and feel an emotional response.That’s what the Magnetic Email system is designed to do.And it’s what I’d love to help you achieve.
Introducing for the first time:
Magnetic Emails

Magnetic Emails is the only system that will take you from no clue how to write or what to write about…To effortlessly writing story-driven, personality-infused emails to grow your brand and business.You'll see how to sell more of your offers (or offers you affiliate for).But if you don't have any products or services yet, the system will help you prepare by building trust, relationships, and reputation.You get 17 value-packed lessons to create lifelong fans and customers even if you’ve never written email copy before.Each step comes simple demonstrations and explanations, with zero fluff or wasted words.And the material is available in high-quality video and written format so you can learn as you like.The 4 modules inside:
Module 1: How to reach your readers in a noisy world

In this module, we'll peel apart the psychology of your ideal reader and identify the topics they love to read about.You'll see how to make your audience feel seen, heard, and understood (because empathy is the key to writing meaningful, money-making emails).Then we'll discuss the best ways to reach them through email—giving you the tools to establish a deep connection with every word you write.Some of what's inside:
A truth about writing online I wish I’d known 3 years ago (I dread to think how much faster I could’ve built my business if someone told me this straight away)
Why niching by topic is ruining your reputation… and what you must do instead
A simple tip to guarantee you dominate the inbox (97% of your competition overlook this. It’s remarkable how much of an advantage you’ll gain)
Know precisely what to write to reach your readers in a noisy world using the ‘One True Fan’ approach
Why the world’s best copywriters swear by the Rule of One… and how to follow it in every email you send to become lazer specific with your ideas
Never waste years ‘nurturing your list’. Get 5 easy questions to transform every email you send into rapid rapport-builders
Make your emails more addictive than crack cocaine using the ‘Heaven and Hell’ principle
The secret email ingredient that will skyrocket the quality of your relationships. Sprinkle this in with every email to shortcut the time it takes to build a bond
Double your income with one simple email writing rule (it’s mindblowing that entrepreneurs don’t do this)
How to generate ‘light bulb moments’ for your readers using a simple trick I stole from the godfather of email marketing
Module 2: How to write Magnetic Emails that turn readers into raving fans

Next, we'll walk through the 6-step Magnetic Email system.Each lesson is practical, with clear examples of every tip so you quickly grasp the concepts.You'll see how to apply simple copywriting, marketing, and storytelling techniques to make your emails irresistible to read and fantastic for sales.At the end of the module, you'll then write your own Magnetic Email following the tips and steps inside (including an easy way to edit your emails to achieve maximum quality in minimal time).Some of the topics we'll cover:
Never fall victim to ‘failed first line syndrome’ again (bad starts will sink your business faster than the Titanic)
Make your ideas stick like glue long after they’ve been read by mastering the art of metaphor and analogy
Instantly transform your emails into engaging stories using the dead-simple TLS technique
The most powerful question for clear writing. These 6 words will make you the most understandable writer in your niche
Smoothly pivot into your pitch using ‘The Segue Sentence’ method (your audience won’t even notice you’re selling)
How to 10x your email appeal by using the most resonating word in the English language
9 secrets for writing stand-out subject lines that guarantee you win the open in a busy inbox
Fall in love with editing using my simple 3-pass process and CBA technique. Your emails will be as smooth as butter in no time
Blast your reader out of ‘doom scroll’ territory using the ‘3-second rule’… you won’t believe how effective this is for hooking and holding attention
Module 3: How to build a high-output writing system

I’m a firm believer that the writer with the best system wins.In this module, you’ll see how to design your routine to become more efficient and effective.You get a blueprint to skyrocket your output and focus levels. This will help you write more quality emails whilst giving you more time to build your business.A few things you’ll pick up:
Get more done in 4 hours than most people do in one day with 5 deep work tricks (but a word of warning: this will make you allergic to conventional work methods)
A simple A-list copywriter technique to double your email quality without working a single second harder
Discover the sweet spot between emails you want to write and emails your audience would love to read
How to become an idea machine without relying on any illegal substances
The ‘standard operating procedures’ I use to run a $500k/year business with just one VA
Module 4: Make Emails Effortless with The Magnetic Template Collection

Here, you get blueprints for every important email you need for your business.They include ‘normal’ newsletters, launch emails, waitlist emails and more. You’ll never write from a blank screen again, saving tonnes of time and effort.This is an actionable module—not just a collection of generic copy-pastes.I explain the copywriting principles behind each template, then walk you through a paragraph-by-paragraph breakdown of the tips in action.You'll see how to effortlessly connect your ideas with what your audience cares about so each email hits home.Some of the material we’ll cover:
Quickly master the fundamentals of storytelling and copywriting with 16 breakdowns of high-performing emails from my business
Instantly set yourself apart from the crowd by writing a fantastic welcome emails that creates fans from day one
Get high-ticket clients to sell themselves on your offers using the ‘power of polarisation’ technique
Why opening a launch with a ‘normal’ email is a killer mistake for your business (there’s nothing more depressing than a flopped first day… especially if you’ve spent months building. This’ll guarantee you begin with a bang)
How to write a ‘wait list’ email that cranks up curiosity, desire, and tension for your launch… even if you’ve not started building the offer yet!
Why 97% of ‘listicle emails’ straight up suck for business… and how to write one that generates an incredible thirst for your offer
The crucial ‘shift in language’ persuasion technique to make more money during your launches without being too pushy
The ‘Ninja Questionnaire’ method for gathering tonnes of market research data (including one question that will make positioning against your competitor’s products simple)
How to write client success story emails that become sales-magnets for your offers
Modules 1-4 will make selling your offers through engaging emails effortless and enjoyable.But you also get 3 bonuses with the system...Let's run through them:
Bonus 1: The Magnetic Email Manual

This e-book clearly lays out every step provided in the system.This means you don’t need to log in each time you write. Just pull this up and you’ll write Magnetic Emails with minimal effort.A few of the checklists inside:
The 10 Universal Rules of Magnetic Emails that’ll catapult you to the top 10% of email writers in your space
The 10 Angles of Attraction guaranteed to make your emails a magnet for future fans
First and second draft systems for writing high-quality emails in minimal time
An overview of the 6-step Magnetic Process so you can effortlessly turn your ideas into business-building emails with zero friction
A quick process to turn your emails into social media content without spending hours hunched over the keyboard rewriting (this will be great if you struggle with ‘perfectionism’)
Bonus 2: ‘Watch Me Write’ video sessions
Clients have said my over-the-shoulder demonstrations have been amazing for learning how to write. So I’ve recorded 15+ videos of me writing every email I’ve sent to promote this course.You get line-by-line explanations so you can master the craft 10x faster.We’ll discuss:
Save time and avoid ‘zero sale emails’ by understanding the difference between teaching and overteaching
3 easy ‘final check’ tips to double the quality of your emails in under 2 minutes
How to write high authority emails without sounding like a guru
Build a massive amount of curiosity for your offers using the ‘taste and tease’ technique (including a breakdown of an email that led to 926 entrepreneurs joining the waitlist overnight)
How to establish empathy in every email without sounding fake or forced
Because I’m chatting as I write during the videos, you’ll get hundreds of real-time storytelling and copywriting tips.
Bonus 3: The ‘Launch Your List’ Starter Guide
If you’re new to the email world or have a small social media audience, this module will show you how to hit the ground running.You’ll quickly grasp the fundamentals of building a popular newsletter.And you’ll see how to get as much of your audience off social media and onto your list.
Convert social media followers into email subscribers 10x faster using a simple 3-step launch sequence
The fastest way to shortcut the path to authority if you’re a beginner to your niche
The 4 newsletter archetypes… and which is perfect for your growing brand and business
The optimum email length and frequency to generate maximum revenue with minimum effort
The secret to naming your offers, frameworks, and newsletters so they spread like wildfire

“I still find myself learning something new.”
"I can count on two hands how many other writers email lists I’m on. Kieran’s one of the few people’s writing that I actually enjoy. Believe it or not, after 10 years in this game, I still find myself learning something new every time I read his newsletter."— Chris Orzechowski, The Email Copywriter

“There are very few I read regularly... Kieran is among that list.”
“"I subscribe to hundreds of email newsletters. There are very few that I read regularly and with interest. Kieran is among that list.”— John Bejakovic, Email Marketing Expert

“One of the few email lists that I read and learn from everytime.”
"Two years ago I never read Kieran's emails. But then he dialled in his magnetic email approach and now he's one of the few email lists that I read and learn from every single time."— James Carran, Published Author & Ghostwriter

“He was the only guy I spoke to.”
“Kieran is the best writer and launcher I know. When I released the beta for my new group coaching offer via email, he was the only guy I spoke to. He knows how to get people interested without sounding pushy.”— Jamie Rawsthorne, YouTube Advisor

“Struggling to write one email per week to easily writing a couple.”
“I invested thousands in email copywriting but the emails performed poorly. Kieran taught me how to write the emails myself—and now we’re making sales. His ideas on positioning, storytelling, and structure are great. I went from struggling to writing one email per week to easily writing a couple.”— Ollie Emberson, Injury Specialist
How to get started writing Magnetic Emails today
If you want to build stronger relationships through story-driven emails, the good news is it won't cost you an arm and a leg.Because in the past four years, I’ve spent over $34,500 in mentorship and $5,000 in courses.And at least 3,000 hours practicing the best techniques for writing to an audience.But you won’t have to invest anywhere near as much money or time.I’ve condensed everything you need to accelerate your writing progress considerably.And considering how powerful and profitable email is, I know I could ask for a minimum of $2,000 for everything inside (I’ve paid much more for much less).But it’s my personal mission to help my audience win.And it’s my goal to make sure my products are the most valuable on the market.Magnetic Emails is no exception.So if you’d like to email to become the driving force behind your business…All I ask is this:When you use the system to write great emails that create more fans and customers, message me with your results so I can spread the word.Sound good?If so...Then you can get everything we’ve discussed today for just $497.And that includes all lifetime updates.I know every creator says that, but I mean it.For example, clients of my other product, High Impact Writing, have enjoyed four bonus webinars and a complete refilm of the material for free.As I build my business, I’ll be testing strategies and sharing what works with Magnetic Email owners.You won’t be forced to pay for new versions or updated material.
To begin, you have two choices:
You can pick up the course below and start immediately.But if you’d prefer one-to-one support, you might consider the Magnetic Email Coaching package.This is for you if you want to accelerate your skill through closer support.You get the same material, but also coaching to help quickly find your weak spots and improve how you write.
Magnetic Emails—Standard Edition
✔ The full Magnetic Email System (including bonuses)
✔ Lifetime access (more webinars, trainings, and breakdowns will added over time)
✔ Covered by my 90-day guarantee
Get started today for just…$497Or 3x monthly payments of $185 ($555 total)
Magnetic Email Coaching
$1997* USD
✔ The full Magnetic Email System (including bonuses)
✔ Lifetime access (more webinars, trainings, and breakdowns will added over time)
✔ Covered by my 90-day guarantee
✔ 5 in-depth email critiques from myself
Get started today with additional 1-1 support for just…$1997
To get cracking, just click one of the buttons above.You'll be taken to a checkout page. After purchasing, you'll get immediate access to a private membership area containing your course and an invitation to the private forum.And look…I can’t promise the exact same results as I’ve enjoyed.Luck and timing are a big part of success (ignore anyone who says otherwise).But if Magnetic Emails helps you get even 1/10th the revenue from my previous year, it would’ve paid for itself 100x over.If you send just one weekly email for a year, that’s just $9.55 per email to transform your writing.And considering this is a life-long skill…And that building a brand on the Internet is only going to get more important and profitable…And that an audience is the greatest business-building cheat code of modern times…I have no doubt it’s one of the smartest investments you’ll make.
In fact, I guarantee it.I’m 100% confident Magnetic Emails will be the best system for writing high-quality emails you use.But I want you to feel the same.So…
🚘 You’re also covered by my 90-day ‘Test Drive Guarantee’
I know what it’s like to spend money online.There’s a lot of low-effort, overpriced information out there.Magnetic Emails is the opposite.I’ve assembled every lesson, module, and resource with absolute care to ensure it’s the best resource for writing engaging emails you’ll find.I use this system every day.And the people I’ve worked with have loved it.Even if you implement just one of the lessons from the first few modules, your emails will stand out in your space…But here’s the deal:You must find that the material helps you write great emails that lead to more relationships, reputation, and revenue…And that my frameworks give you endless email ideas regardless of your current ability or authority…And that the strategies inside help you create more fans and customers for your business…If for any strange reason you don’t, I want you to reach out to me at [email protected] to let me know.I’ll personally return every cent you spent within 48 hours, no questions asked.And we’ll still be friends, too.But I’m sure you’ll be ecstatic with your investment.I know this because your success and satisfaction are my top priorities. Hopefully, 3,200+ happy customers so far can attest to that.A few words from them about my other writing products:
It’s been great speaking. I value your attention at such at a noisy time.Hopefully catch you inside,Kieran

You got questions? I got answers
I’ve tried to cover everything you need.But I love a curious mind, and sometimes, things slip through the cracks.So I’ve put together a list of the most common questions here. You can also email me at [email protected] and I’ll get back to you personally as soon as I can.
Is this course for email writing only?
Yes. The only purpose of this course is to write story-driven emails that accelerate your brand and business growth. You’ll see how to connect deeper with your readers and sell more of your offers. Of course, you can (and should) repurpose the material. And many of the tips will improve your writing elsewhere. But the focus is on nailing email because it is the most powerful driver for relationships, reputation, and revenue.
Do I need an audience for this course?
If you have zero social media presence, no plans for paid advertising, or no network to get started, then begin building traffic first. You’d love High Impact Writing instead. Get your audience going (note: you don’t need many followers, you can start sending a short weekly email to get the fan-building process underway).
Do I need an offer?
Not necessarily. If you're planning on making an offer soon, it's good to get your list up and running. Trust takes time to build. You can also sell affiliate offers (a great way to get practice without building a product/validating an offer).
How much time do I need to take this course?
You can take the core material in under two hours, which is everything you need to write a Magnetic Email. But I’ve also given you more material for extra consumption on your own time. For example, the Magnetic Templates come with detailed breakdowns and the over the shoulder writing videos show me writing from start to finish. You can learn the system in one weekend and get started writing emails. But there’s plenty more depth when you want it.
Do I need previous writing experience?
If you’re already a good writer, you’ll find this easier. But I’ll be honest. Many of my clients come from academic writing, and they’ve had to unlearn a few things to write for the internet (the same as me). I’ve made the course perfect for starting at square one but also good for those a few steps ahead.
Do you only teach sales emails?
Pretty much. Because every email is a sales email. If you’re not selling your products and services, you’re selling your ideas. If you want to become an authority, you must become great at getting your audience to take action (which is why Rule 9 of the Magnetic Email Rules is ‘Always be asking’).
What’s the difference between a newsletter and an email list?
Honestly? Nothing. They both have the same end outcome: growing your business through email. It’s the style of writing that differs. I explain the 4 newsletter archetypes in the bonus ‘launch your list’ module. But the course focuses on Magnetic Emails, i.e. story based, relationship focused, personality-infused writing. If you can nail that, you can write anything.
Do I need a lot of time to write emails?
The purpose of the course is to make your process as lean and efficient as possible. Of course, skills takes time. You can have the best guitar teacher in the world but you won’t playing Led Zepplin tomorrow. My aim is to shave years off your progress by showing you what to focus on, what to ignore, and what to do to play the game for the long term.
I don’t know my niche, will this help?
Your niche is an evolution not a one-time decision. In module one, I cover who you serve and what you write about—which is what a niche is—but you should have a GENERAL idea on your core topics. If you don’t, module one of High Impact Writing goes into more depth for absolute beginners.
I’m worried I’m not a good storyteller or have no personality, will this course work for me?
Look, I’m not going to get all bro life advisey on you. But if you truly have nothing to talk about, do something interesting and document the journey. People pay attention to people taking action, and you’ll learn storytelling along the way. And being interesting is just a by-product of living on your terms. For example, my days sound incredibly boring to ‘normal’ people. Walking, writing, reading, thinking, systems, structure, and routine. But to a writing entrepreneur? Bliss. And that’s my point. Online, what makes you weird, makes you win. There’re many people out there who think like you. My job is to help you find them.
Do you help with the tech side of things?
I’ll be honest, I’m not the brightest spark regarding software. Writing is my specialty so that’s what I teach. However, I’m happy to offer any advice inside the community. I can also refer you to my favourite resources for further support.
Do you teach email automation?
This is something I speak about inside one of the bonus trainings (you can pick this up at checkout).
Will you teach me how to grow my newsletter?
Yep, I’ll share what’s worked for me inside the growth strategy bonus training. But honestly? Growth isn’t the real problem. You might think it is, but you can do wonders with a tiny list. In fact, I’d rather have 100 raving readers than 10,000 ‘meh’ consumers. Magnetic Emails focuses on the craft of writing because, long term, that’s what will impact your growth most.
Will you teach me how to monetize my newsletter?
You’ll learn how to sell your products and services. However, this is not a business course. It’s a course on writing—a skill to add to your toolbelt. There are many offer experts who give great advice. I’m also more than happy to discuss monetization methods inside the community.
Do you teach systems for writing, too?
Absolutely. In fact, every single part of this course is systems-based. You get a checklist for all the steps inside. If you like efficiency, effectiveness, and routine—you’ll love what I’ve cooked up.
I’m worried I won’t be able to attend live calls, are there recordings?
Yep, everything will be recorded. And there’ll also be a Q&A section inside the community itself. So if you can’t hop on a live call, you’ll still get answers.
I still have questions, is there somewhere we can talk?
Sure, drop me an email [email protected]. I respond personally within 24-48 hours.
© Kieran Drew 2025